What’s up at Websites for Translators?

What’s up at Websites for Translators?

After a rather large break in blogging duties, we’re back! Another eventful year has passed and we’re so happy to be a part of the translation and interpreting community 🙂

2017 was an important year for us and here’s a short post to give you a quick update on what has been going on and what’s to come in 2018!

1. Websites for Translators at Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL UK) in London, April 2017

In April, I was part of the “Digital Marketing for Interpreters” event organised by the Interpreting Division of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Together with Martina Eco from 3P Translation and Jonathan Downie we have delivered presentations on digtal marketing, websites & copywriting for interpreters. It was a great honour and a lot of fun to be able to participate in this event! You can read the Twitter story from this event here.

2. We created a website for April’s IAPTI 2017 conference in Buenos Aires and we were included in a list of sponsors

While we couldn’t make it to Buenos Aires at the time, we’re always enjoying collaborating with IAPTI and we’re very excited for the upcoming IAPTI 2018 conference in Valencia, Spain!

If you’ve never experienced an IAPTI conference it’s definitely time to try it out! The website is in the making: https://www.iapti.org/SPconference/

But the schedule already looks exciting and we think this is the one you don’t want to miss!

More info here on the event’s FB page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1311772778969180/

3. In May, it was time to go to Budapest for the talk at the BP17 Translation Conference

This was an amazing experience! Budapest is a beautiful city and everyone at the conference was in a great mood. We really enjoyed the city, delivering the presentation and the conference dinner. It was a great opportunity to meet some amazing translators and share a glass of wine and a meal. There was even some singing and dancing involved!

This conference has a very positive vibe and the next one is in Vienna on 19 – 20th of April! You can register and read more about it here: http://bpconf.com/ – some great speakers are being announced every week!

4. Our website got a makeover, we have released so many new projects and we’re so excited for 2018!

You may have already noticed that we have updated our website (yay!). We were aiming for a clearer, more transparent design with simplified navigation and more positive look – feel free to browse through the pages to check it out! If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our updated Portfolio to see what great translation brands have been launched last year (and beyond!).

We have also introduced a cool new feature for displaying testimonials with pictures (it’s a small thing but I’m really happy about it so I thought I’ll share! 🙂 ). You can read the testimonials and check out the feature here.

We’re extremely proud and happy to be able to help translation and interpreting businesses bloom!

There is more speaking engagements coming in 2018, more conference involvement and some special new services and offers are in the making this month.

I will be announcing them one by one when they are ready to be published, so make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date! You can be the first to know about new competitions, exclusive offers and perhaps speaking engagements near you.

Have a great and productive (or relaxing!) January & stay tuned for more news & blog posts coming soon!

– Meg & The WFT Team

P.S. We have also launched our first ever Instagram account last year! Follow us at @wwwforxl8 !

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