Writing History – Dr. Ellen Yutzy Glebe


Writing History – Dr. Ellen Yutzy Glebe

“Shortly after I first contacted Meg about having my website designed by Websites for Translators, I attended the ATA conference and was inspired to radically change the way I wanted to market myself. I returned from Chicago with a grand vision of a website which would not only advertise my specialized services as a historian and translator but also serve as a resource to my colleagues working in those fields. Suddenly, I needed a new logo, a new domain name, and time to revise and rewrite the website copy on which I’d already been working. Meg listened closely to my ideas, and she and her team worked to help me make each and every one a reality. The result is a logo and website of which we can all be proud. The site elegantly combines my text with beautiful photographs of historically significant places in a way which invites the reader to explore all the pages, and hopefully the resource list and blog pages will encourage visitors to remember my site and return to it on occasion. It’s been quite a consuming project, but Meg and her team accompanied me every step of the way, and, though I’m a bit daunted by the task of maintaining the page on my own, I feel well prepared with the detailed tutorial provided. Plus, I know that I can turn to them again if it needs any adjustments or changes in the future. I can hardly wait to launch the page, and to promote it by distributing the elegant business cards designed to perfectly complement the page! Writing History aims to produce scholarship with style—and Websites for Translators has done a terrific job of creating an elegant medium to advertise my services!”

Dr. Ellen Yutzy Glebe, Writing History