Milica Stamenković


Milica Stamenković

“I needed someone to redo my old website and help with logo and copy and was extremely lucky to meet Margaret in person at a conference and get informed about WFT offerings. Now I can say that it was one of the best decisions in my long freelance career and a fantastic experience. From our first e-mails exchange to the detailed website maintenance tips that I got after publishing, the team was patient, meticulous and helpful to the extents I have never seen before. They somehow managed to grasp what I want even when I couldn’t express it straight, and the result is as “me” as it gets.  

I wholeheartedly recommend Websites for translators to anyone looking for a reliable and knowledgeable partner for their language services web presence, content, and design, but also lovely and easy-going people to work with.”

Milica Stamenković, OWNER